When working within the confines of staffing agencies, finding the right talent to represent your brand can seem like a leap of faith. Communicating desirable characteristics to an outside HR team can yield some surprising results and leave you thinking, ‘How did they find this candidate?’
That’s why Attack! gives you the option to choose staff that best fits that fit your needs. Our technology puts you in control with an easy to use, click-to-hire system that shows you filtered results for qualified applicants. No one knows your brand better than you do, and we give our clients the power of choice. With a talent pool of over 100,000 covering both the US and Canada, you can be sure you’re getting perfectly-matched results.
But how do you ensure that you’re getting the best out of your hand selected talent? We’re here to provide you with some awesome tips to keep, inspire, and retain that top talent.
1. Offer Incentive.
It’s not always enough to simply get paid. While it’s important to share your objective with your BAs, the key is aligning your ends, with their ends. Even if your BAs are influencers in your target community, and share your views on the importance of your brand/culture, remember that their goals are not always your goals. How so? You may be looking to sell a few cases of your product at your next demo, but your BAs might not be as keen on pushing a product. By incentivizing your program objectives, you create the necessary push your outsourced talent needs to find their inner motivation that made you like them in the first place.
2. Ask Many Questions.
Your BAs are people, too! A quick conversation before and after your gig can give your talent a sense of comradery. Remember that boss you used to work for that you hated? How much time did they invest in learning about you? Did they know about your interests outside of work? Your favorite foods? Your family? Getting a little friendly creates a general vibe of responsibility. It’s easy to blow someone off you don’t know. But a little humanity provides your professional relationship with a level of empathy. So don’t be afraid, open up a little, and give your talent a reason to answer to you… personally.
3. Provide Real Training.
Nothing is worse than a fly-by training. If you’re looking for commitment and devoted talent, you need to share authenticity around your story, craft, and product – NOT just a 15 minute overview of product specs. Give your BAs something to talk about. How are you ever to expect your talent to convey your core message if you don’t communicate it to them? Share your passion, and they’ll be able to spread the love.
4. Set Standards.
How can one be expected to play the game, without first knowing the rules? While everyone knows it’s important to train your new talent, it is also important to share your expectations and standards as well. How many times have you heard your field staff exclaim, “Well, we didn’t know that”. Even once is too many. Eradicate the problem by expounding upon your goals, and making your expectations clear. Instead of “Be professional” provide creative explanation. Instead try, “We expect you to smile to every customer, keep your tone light, low, and conversational. Talk with your hands, encourage questions, and ask the customer ‘does that make sense to you?’” NOW prepare yourself to be wowed by the results.